Monday, October 29, 2012


As you know, Shaun has been struggling with pneumonia. His antibiotics haven't seemed to be working and today he was in significant respiratory distress - with his lips turning blue.  After being seen in the Emergency Department at Inova Loudoun Hospital, Shaun was admitted tonight with a bad case of the flu - his second bout of it this season.  Not sure what this means about his appointment with cardiology tomorrow, but perhaps he will get seen while he is in the hospital.  Please pray for Shaun to clear this infection from his body, to get rest and to gain strength.  Pray for Mommy - who is also sick and so very tired from constant care-giving.  Pray, also, for Peter and the boys at home as they miss their Mommy and Shaun.  More details to come soon.

1 comment:

  1. Shaun and your family are in our prayers. I pray that the oxygen helps him to be able to rest so that he can start to heal from those awful infections. You are in my heart, Denise.
