Thursday, May 2, 2013

A special thank you... (first of many!)

For a year or so now, we have been graced by meeting some wonderful people. They give of their time, talents, knowledge, and self. I want to say thank you to each of these people and let them know what they mean to us and Shaun. Each has touched our lives~ all of us, in a special way.

We met teacher Chelsea last summer after Shaun had to get a G-tube because he wasn't eating well. She came in an introduced herself, saying that she wanted to take Shaun to "school" and give me a much needed break- time for a shower!
Chelsea worked with Shaun every time we were in the hospital. She brought in toys, sang songs, played IPad, and challenged him even when in the PICU or on isolation. She brought joy to both of our lives. Chelsea taught me to challenge Shaun's mind, make picture boards, have him make choices, work on puzzles, sing "Row Row Row your Boat" with an alternate ending. She genuinely cares for "her kids" and wants the best for them. Totally dedicated. Shaun came to life when our "school hour" took place.
This last trip, we found out that Virginia is cutting the program for the 0-2 year olds from UVA. This was very upsetting to me and so I tried to send letters out to different delegates and representatives. This program was vital in helping me learn how to teach Shaun and that he wasn't just "sick," that he was still able to learn in his own way. It deeply saddens my heart that other families will not have the same privilege that I did, having the program and a teacher totally dedicated to her work and "kids."
Shaun decided that he wanted to write Ms. Chelsea a letter thanking her for her kindness, love and support.
Thank you, Chelsea, for all your love and time you share with us. You will always have a place in Shaun's heart and mine.

Row Row Row your boat, gently down the stream. If an alligator comes, don't forget to scream! (Grab your face!)

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